Sickness and Health

Our family has been sick for the last two years......infected with a virus.....of trauma, relocation, travel and yes, sin. This week Mike and I fasted and petitioned God for healing in our home. We heard from God! I have actually been hearing from God for quite a while. I have heard "I desire mercy and not sacrifice..."(Matthew 12:7,Matthew 9:13, Hosea 6:6) and "mercy and grace"... but I tend to need more direction than that. I"m a person who over thinks things.. over analyzes. When there is a "problem" I am like a bulldog that won't let go. I research it until I have an acceptable answer. Ok, the problem with this is that there is a certain independence from God, maybe even arrogance. I think that if I work hard enough maybe my little finite mind can figure it out. Then, after struggling and struggling I fall at God's feet and acknowledge that I am not Him. I confess my sin to Him and my faith is renewed. Thank goodness that I don't have to depend on me! I sit back and am amazed at what He does! So, the issue is that I have been very confused by the two "camps" so-to-speak in therapeutic parenting. How do I parent this child that I have no idea how to parent? This child that does not respond to traditional parenting? I have been to depths that I never knew I could go - the abyss to tell you the truth. get back to the cliffhanger...So, what did God say to us? He said WE need to change! He said, we are the adults and We need to turn this ship around. We can't expect her to change first... she is a child. So, the "correct" parenting style? Well, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of the two camps, but we are going to err on the side of mercy and grace. When we are confused, we will get on our knees and ask our God for wisdom. I believe our Lord is still in the business of healing people. I believe He put her in our family so that she might have a future and a bright one at that. We are going to proclaim the truth in advance until we see the truth evidenced in reality.


  1. The Lord is going to use you mightily in her life and in the lives of others. There IS healing in Christ and it is WHOLE.

    Honestly, 10 years ago I would have NEVER DREAMED of some of the things we have dealt with as parents. Our guys had some rough patches due to trauma, but NOTHING like what the girls have been through, and they have all come out on the other side doing very well.
    God KNEW that I needed to depend upon Him more, so he brought our girls to us. :)

    I would have never dreamed I would deal with the tantrums, anger, peeing, spitting, disassociation, hoarding, lying, food issues, disobedience, and much more.
    Those behaviors have diminished to almost none, except in our newest sweetheart. We have witnessed a transformation in all of our girls that brings us GREAT JOY and we know that the Lord has led us to do this. We NOW know, that He gives us things that stretch us beyond what we believe we can handle, BECAUSE He wants us to trust Him and Depend upon HIM!

    Never lose your focus... you are doing awesome. The trauma of today causes us to fear what is ahead, but perfect love casts out fear!

    The final outcome is not up to us.... but we are called to do HIS will.

    1. Thank you for that word! Fear has truly been a big, big problem in our lives. I never knew how SMALL my faith was until Joelle. The word you used "stretching" is perfect. I have felt stretched beyond my limit! Truly your blog has really been a god send. When I was discouraged and felt like I could not do it any longer I would read your blog! I don't even remember how I found your blog - I think I was blog hopping. I don't think it was an accident. I hope one day I can give that encouragement to someone else. Thank you from a fellow sister in Christ!

  2. Wow, I really needed to read that today. Thank you!

  3. Jen, I'm am just seeing your comment - believe it or not! My postings have been sporadic because when I go through difficult times it is hard for me to write. But God is healing Joelle and she is getting better! I am praying for you and Mr. Man. Feel free to e-mail me if you ever want to talk and I will give you my phone number -


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