Joy Unspeakable
I am reading Joy Unspeakable by Martyn Lloyd Jones along with Love Walked Among Us right now. I always tend to read several books at the same time. I am not sure why that is but I am sort of driven in that way. It is probably not the best for comprehension!
The Elders in our church are reading this book, so I decided to read it as well. Right now I am sort of enamored of the topic and I feel like God has been leading me to study, even pursue this topic. Maybe it is the fact that I have had such a great need for more of the Holy Spirit for the last three years due to what I have been going through. I have never felt such a strong need to be close to God and feel that He is walking with me through my journey. As a result, it has driven me to cleave to Him!
The premise of his book is that the Western Church is in desperate need of a revival. He feels that we have little impact in the world because we are not filled with the joy of the spirit. He uses scripture to try to prove that there is a separate "filling" or "falling" of the Holy Spirit apart from what we receive once we become believers. His arguments are very compelling and are sure to be difficult for some believers, especially those of us in more conservative churches.
I am only on Chapter eight right now but I must say that I love this book so far! He is very practical in his dealing with the subject matter. It reminds me of the book "Invisible War" by Chip Ingram in that sense. Another practical book on the controversial subject of spiritual warfare.Some people might find this book difficult to endure because it is theological in nature. For me it is very readable, but then again I like history books.
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