Hello FromThe Other Side - Part 2

In September of 2013, I had my gallbladder removed. My hope was that this would alleviate the stomach pain and swelling that I was experiencing. The surgery did help my pain but immediately after surgery my body crashed and I developed Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. In addition, I developed POTS type symptoms such as low blood pressure, lightheadedness and dizziness. I already had some of these symptoms but they became much worse and more frequent! I could barely get off of the couch to do normal, everyday tasks. When I would stand up I would feel like I was going to pass out and I was dizzy pretty much 24 hours a day. I felt like my symptoms were worse after eating but I did not know what my body needed to right itself. I began eating very little food because of the drastic reaction and I lost twenty pounds in a short amount of time. 

I spent the next year laying on the couch while trying to fulfill my duties as a wife and mother. Between the Chronic Fatigue and POTS type symptoms I was sidelined in life. I had been relagated to the proverbial bench if I may use a sports analogy. I adopted a whole foods diet while being gluten, dairy, caffeine, soy and alcohol free. Giving up coffee was the most difficult by far! I was just trying to figure out what would help my body heal and move me past this very scary and difficult phase in life. 

These are a few of the symptoms that I've had over the years. Some of them come and go, while others are ever present. I've probably seen 20-30 Doctors, I've lost count. I've been to both Emory and The Mayo Clinic seeking help for a diagnosis in addition to countless doctors in the Atlanta area. When you share this many symptoms with your doctor they tend to look at you like you are a little crazy! I guess I can understand this. Unless they have been through something similar they have no frame of reference.

Four years later, I am still seeking a comprehensive diagnosis. My clean diet has really helped with the CFS and Fibromyalgia. I am on thyroid medication as well as bioidentical hormones.  These have helped as well. I am no longer house bound as I was before, praise God! But, I am still highly affected by my remaining symptoms. In the meantime I am trying to trust in God and serve Him as I am able with my unpredictable health. My biggest desire is that He will use all that I have been through to help others and glorify Him. I firmly believe that He will not leave me where I am! 


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