Knee How from Guangzhou!

Hi Everyone or should I say Knee How from Guangzhou! We are so excited to be here because it means our trip is half way over! We miss Zoe terribly! The good news is Guangzhou is a beautiful place to hang out. On Friday evening we flew from Changsha to Guangzhou. That was a very rough trip as Joelle was really challenging. I swear she acted like we had given her ten candy bars and two sodas right before the flight! She is such an active child anyway but let's just say she pushed us to the limits that day. Shiyan ( our facilitator ) met us at the airport and took us to the hotel. She was here five years ago when we were adopting Zoe. She walks us through every process and makes life so much easier.
This morning ( Saturday) we met at 10am to go for the children's medical appointment. She did not have any shots thankfully but she did have a TB test. She is one strong little cookie. She was not afraid at all during the whole process nor did she cry when she got her TB shot. Afterwards, we went to lunch with a couple in our group who adopted a four year old. It was a Thai restaurant and it was sooo good! At 3pm Mike met with Shiyan to prepare our paperwork to be given to the US Embassy. I stayed with Joelle so she could take a nap. Afterwards, we met the others in our group to go to Lucy's for dinner. Then it was back to the hotel for a bath and bedtime. That's about it. Talk to you tomorrow:)


  1. Yeah for Saturdays ! It is 12:00pm/Noon here & you are peacefully sleeping - So I hope! Maybe this aunt should really start running, so I can keep up with Joelle! Love & Kisses- Shay & Jimmy

  2. Hey Guys,

    Just letting you know we are thinking of you. We are so enjoying reading up on your blog every day. Thanks for keeping it updated.

    The Pevey Family


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