Rain and Fog

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. It has been raining and foggy every day because this is the rainy season. It makes it hard to see what the city is like. We were told by our guide that Thursday will be a nicer day. Today they took us to an embroidery factory. I could not pay attention much because of Joelle but the pieces were exquisite and very expensive. They are made with silk and have two different images on each side. I did not buy anything because of the expense plus it is almost impossible to look at anything with an active three year old in your arms. She still persists in touching total strangers and trying to go to them. I am having to get sort of rude with them and say no. She really needs to bond with us and learn that you cannot go to just anyone. After the factory tour we went back to the hotel. We visited the infirmary because Joelle seems to have an upper respiratory infection or something. They said she was OK for now and did not prescribe medicine. They told us just to keep an eye on her. I really don't want her to have any vaccines in Guangzhou. Please pray that we can put them off and offer to have them given within 30 days of arriving home. The rest of the day was spent in the playroom (on our floor) or our hotel room. We were exhausted again and ordered in for dinner. We will leave the province on Friday for Guangzhou. We are just waiting to receive our documents to leave.


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