Moving Forward

It is funny how simple I try to keep our life and yet I still feel like I am struggling to get my work done! While the girls are in school I am crazy busy trying to get the housework done, grocery shopping, laundry, and appointments so that I can be "present" when the girls come home from school. Both girls are extremely needy of me and in a very demanding stage at this time.

Right now we are still having a lot of turmoil. Joelle is really into pinching Zoe at school or at home. I am praying for God to give me wisdom as to the cause and cure. It appears that when she is angry at Mike and I, not feeling loved or remembering a transgression that she pinches Zoe. She totally does not accept the fact that Zoe exists in our home and particularly that Zoe is the oldest. Since those things are obviously not going to change we need to find a way to get her to accept them and be ok with them. I am still trying to convince Zoe to be a team member and get on board with us but so far she is still too angry to comply( I might not either after 2 1/2 years of repeated attacks). Although Zoe is eight, she very much acts in every way like a five or six year old in all of this. When I am dealing with them I seem to be dealing with a three year old and a six year old rather than and eight and a five year old. Zoe is still regressing A LOT even though she has been home seven years, almost eight now. Her anger level is through the roof. She uses a lot of baby talk when she is upset, which is almost impossible to understand. It takes me a long time to get her calm enough to even understand her - there is also a lot of whispering from both girls. It drives my 46 year old ears crazy because I can't understand either one of them most of the time.

But, having said all of this we ARE moving forward! These things used to take place three times a DAY and now they are once every three days. Still too much, but better than before.


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